Expat Heather

Street Food

Posted in street food, Thai food, Thailand by expatheather on January 7, 2009
From Chinatown, Bangkok

Everywhere in Bangkok it smells of fresh food being cooked. You can hear the sound of stir frying and noodles sloshing in hot pans as you walk down the street. Since arriving here in Thailand, I’ve seen street food within walking distance of every neighborhood. It seems that many Thais prefer to bring food home than to cook, and many times it’s much cheaper to do this than to prepare it yourself. Near the guest house I’m staying at, every morning I see vendors setting up their shops and start cooking up tasty treats. They have sausages, meats, seafood, noodle dishes, rice, soups, and all sorts of fresh vegetables ready to cook. Most have one or two stools and small metal or plastic tables, but the majority of buyers take the food in plastic bags with them and bring them home or to their offices.

The top is a picture of seafood ready to buy for cooking, and the bottom is a picture of “take away” food in plastic bags. Both of these photos were taken in Chinatown, but you’ll see similar scenes all over the city.

From Chinatown, Bangkok