Expat Heather

Traveling Goldfish Salesman

Posted in goldfish, lahore, pakistan by expatheather on March 5, 2009

Enough about gunmen and grenades. One of the things I love about Pakistan is the ingenuity of the people. I still need to take some time and do a photo shoot of all the things they manage to transport by bicycle or donkey cart, because if you don’t live in the subcontinent it will just blow your mind. The other day while driving to a friend’s house, I saw this guy, the Bicycle Fish Salesman! I couldn’t get the best photo because there was just a ton of stuff going on in this scene, but look at the way he’s made his bicycle into a traveling goldfish store! You can’t see it in this photo, but on the back there’s even a large fish bowl with two 8″ fish in it.