Expat Heather

Our BEEPIN’ Neighbors!

Posted in beep, disturbing the peace, lahore pakistan by expatheather on May 27, 2009
So I know a lot of my blog posts about Pakistan are negative, but hey it’s the negative things I need to vent about. Blogging is such a great way to get out all of that pent up angst and frustration!

One of the things that drives me crazy is people I call “beepers.” Beepers are too lazy to get out of their cars themselves and ring a doorbell or open a gate. They drive up a house and immediately start beeping. “Beep beep beep beeeeeeep!” Two seconds later (not near enough time for anyone to actually get out of the house and open the gate), “BEEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEP!”

These beepers have no concept of disturbing the peace. At least once every day I am woken up by a beeper. At four in the morning, when even most Pakistanis are sleeping, they seem to beep longer and louder than they do during the day. What a nice alarm clock. “Beep beep beeeep! Beep be beep beep beeeeeeeep!”

They beep in the morning. They beep in the evening. They beep when I am enjoying my dinner .They beep when I am sleeping. They beep when I’m talking on the phone. They beep so loud I can barely hear myself think. This is not a nice little ‘honk honk,’ but a laying on of the horn as if the driver is constantly in an aggravated state.

If you are a Pakistani who gets out of the car to open to your own door, I respect you. Thank you for being considerate and thinking about the sanity and peace of others. Even if you give a missed call to someone, but stay in your car, this is still much appreciated. Beeping is not necessary for doors to open and shut. My gate seems to open just fine without a password of “Beep beep beep beeeep!”

If you are a beeper, you may not think your beeping bothers anyone, but I’m sure you have woken someone up at some point with your incessant honking. If you ever move to a country where disturbing the peace is a crime, you will be faced with steep fines and a lot of angry neighbors. Beeping on the road at dangerous drivers is fine; but beeping in quiet residential neighborhoods is just plain rude.